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Knowing Your Chakras

Updated: Sep 3, 2019

So now you know what chakras ready to know more about each one? Because this is the post for you!

Still unsure of a few facts? You can learn about them in our post about chakras here.

Got a good idea now? Great! Let's get woke!

So let's just take a quick look again at the chakras, where they are and what they mean.

So now that you are ready to learn about opening or healing your chakras, first, we will dive deeper into each one and their significance and meaning.

When meditation or visualizing, you will need to understand what you are working with and what to see in your mind. The only way to be able to truly connect to them is to be fully aware of what each one is.

So let's get to know your chakras!

*Note: When working your chakras, always start with the ROOT (the lowest one) first and work your way up. Crown chakras, unless already open should be the last to work on as it is the hardest and most intense one, as it can open yourself to the universe and should only be done so once all other chakras are cleared.


This chakra is found at the base of your pelvic area. Yes, right in the center of your 'fun area'

When you visualize this chakra, see it as a ball of glowing red energy flowing clock-wise in you.

The Root gets it's energy from the element of earth which 'grounds' you.

Meaning it's responsible for the feeling of stability in life.

It's what drives your sense of responsibility, home, necessities...your sense of survival.

When you find you have a hard grasp on how to manage your life and those basics, it's because the chakra is blocked by fear.

Fear of not being able to pay the rent, feed yourself, have a good job etc.

To heal this, you need to let go of fear and comes to terms with what you have or could have.

Which is why the affirmation you must say to yourself when working on this chakra is "I Have"

The sound you make when breathing through this chakra during mediation is LAM.


This chakra is found below your belly button, in the abdomen.

When you visualize this chakra, see it as a ball of glowing orange energy flowing clock-wise in you.

The Sacral gets it's energy from the element of water which 'flows' within you.

Meaning it's responsible for the feeling of joy in your life.

It's what drives your sense of happiness, fun, freedom...your sense of pleasure.

When you find you can't openly enjoy moments around you, giving yourself little pleasures through things like food, fun or sex,

it's because the chakra is blocked by guilt.

Guilt of the things you like in life that bring you pleasure like uninhibited sex, going out with friends late into the night or enjoying a large plate of pasta!

To heal this, you need to let go of guilt and let yourself enjoy those things that you want.

Which is why the affirmation you must say to yourself when working on this chakra is "I Want"

The sound you make when breathing through this chakra during mediation is VAM.


This chakra is found in the center of your diaphragm, right under your rib cage.

When you visualize this chakra, see it as a ball of glowing yellow energy flowing clock-wise in you.

The Solar gets it's energy from the element of fire which 'empowers' you.

Meaning it's responsible for the feeling of strength in life.

It's what drives your sense of who you are, your personality, attributes...your sense of self.

When you find you don't take pride in who you are, when you hold back and filter yourself, or try to be someone else, it's because the chakra is blocked by shame.

Shame of who you are, how you express yourself, your characteristics, what makes you unique.

To heal this, you need to let go of shame and be proud of who you are!

Which is why the affirmation you must say to yourself when working on this chakra is "I Am"

The sound you make when breathing through this chakra during mediation is RAM.


This chakra is found in the center of your chest, right in the middle of your chest plate.

When you visualize this chakra, see it as a ball of glowing green energy flowing clock-wise in you.

The Heart gets it's energy from the element of air which 'uplifts' you.

Meaning it's responsible for the feeling of

It's what drives your sense of compassion, affection, and trust towards others and yourself...your sense of love.

When you find you have a hard time believing in love, in trusting others on how they feel for you and not letting yourself feel for them or for yourself, it's because the chakra is blocked by grief.

Grief from past heartbreaks, or painful relationships in your life with friends, family or lovers.

To heal this you need to let go of grief, open your heart to trust again, to allow yourself to feel.

Which is why the affirmation you must say to yourself when working on this chakra is "I Feel"

The sound you make when breathing through this chakra during mediation is YAM.


This chakra is found in the center of your throat.

When you visualize this chakra, see it as a ball of glowing blue flowing clock-wise in you.

The Throat gets it's energy from the element of sound which 'vibrates' in you.

Meaning it's responsible for the way you communicate in life.

It's one of the most direct ways to express yourself to others and convey your own beliefs...your sense of truth.

When you feel you can't seem to properly express yourself or even at all to others, when the things you say aren't what you really mean, it's because the chakra is blocked by lies.

Lies you tell yourself, to cover and hide who you are, to manipulate, hurt or control things.

To heal this you need to let go of lies, be brave in your words and not be afraid to speak.

Which is why the affirmation you must say to yourself when working on this chakra is "I Speak"

The sound you make when breathing through this chakra during mediation is HAM.


This chakra is found in the center of your forehead, between your two brows.

When you visualize this chakra, see it as a ball of glowing indigo flowing clock-wise in you.

The Third Eye gets it's energy from the element of light which 'illuminates' in you.

Meaning it's responsible for the way you sense things in life.

It's how you can pick up of unspoken energies from others and the world around you...your sense of intuition.

When you feel you never seem to be able to understand others, when it's hard to see the world for what it really is, it's because the chakra is blocked by illusion.

Illusions of what you think things should be or want them to be, rather than accepting what is.

To heal this you need to let go of illusions, and learn to open your mind and accept what you see.

Which is why the affirmation you must say to yourself when working on this chakra is "I See"

The sound you make when breathing through this chakra during mediation is OM.

*The Third Eye is the chakra that finds it's strength and flow from all other chakras below it. To be able to harness this pure light of intuition, it will need all other chakras to be clear and strong.


This chakra is found at the very center and top of your head.

When you visualize this chakra, see it as a ball of glowing purple flowing clock-wise in you.

The Crown gets it's energy from the element of time which creates 'bonds' in you.

Meaning it's responsible for your sense of belonging in the universe.

It's how you feel in time and space. The firm earth under your feet, the cool rain on your face, the heat of the sun against your skin, the comforting wind in your hair, the sound of each breath you take and the inner light you see in everything around you...your sense of connection.

When you feel you aren't able to find your place in life, when you don't see your purpose and are constantly fighting against yourself and life, it's because the chakra is blocked by attachment.

Attachment of things that don't matter, things that separate you from complete oneness.

To heal this you need to let go of attachment, understand that everything in this life is temporary, except our connection with the universe. Our energy, our life force keeps living on, just as the light of a dead star continues to shines into space long after it has died out, so will your energy be seen and felt by others even when your physical body has gone. What will be left is your powerful sense of knowing who you are what it means to be a part of life.

Which is why the affirmation you must say to yourself when working on this chakra is "I Know"

The sound you make when breathing through this chakra during mediation is ANG.

*The Crown chakra is the strongest chakra of all, and is very hard to open. A word of caution, it should only be opened once all other chakras have been opened, cleared and healed. To open the Crown chakra, is to open our self to the universe. The universe is vast and powerful. It can bring great wisdom, understanding and wholeness that can be very overpowering and must only be done so once all other chakras have the strength to allow their energy to comes up through to the crown chakra into the universe, and vice versa. For that is what you are doing. Creating a flowing passage between yourself and all other planes of existence and energy in the universe. Which is what is commonly known as...Enlightenment.

Once you understand all of the chakras well, and feel you now want to start working with them and healing each one, we can move on to our next post. Awakening your chakras.

Note: You will need to know the basics on how to mediate for the next one. If you don't know who to meditate, or would like some extra tips, see our post on How to Meditate.

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